Silent Heaven

The fog feels heavy. Cool air grazes your exposed arms.
Fixed before you is a rustic green road sign informing you of your new home:
Welcome to Silent Heaven

You've come too far to turn back now.

Play now!

Telnet:, port 4000

New player?

Create a Character! Join the Community!

What is Silent Heaven?

Silent Heaven is an online text-based multiplayer roleplaying game set in a small town full of supernatural horror. Each player takes control of a character who has gotten lost, only to turn up in the isolated town of Silent Heaven.

Nobody in Silent Heaven is okay, not even your character.

Be bad. Be vulnerable. Embrace your sorrow. Will you face your darkest times and recover? Or will you succumb to the town and be lost forever? Everyone hopes to find that road to salvation, but temptations lurk around every corner.

The worst thing that can happen is getting comfortable with living here.

Gameplay Overview

RPI-lite: MUSH-style RP + coded support for supplementary skills.

No Alts: You may have only one character at any given time.

No Grinding: XP is earned through logging in each day + bonus XP for roleplaying for about 30 - 60 minutes.

Simple Crafting: Craft a unique description and custom name for any item, giving it a bonus to its effect.

Simple Combat: A customized conflict system focuses on coming to solutions that don’t involve costly violence. Simplified locational combat allows you to spend more time RPing during and after conflicts.

Traditional Grid: Movement directions are only North, South, East, West, Up, and Down. Room sizes and shapes vary.

Character-driven storylines: The best rewards are for doing what would tell a good story rather than gaming the system or playing to win.

Characters cannot die: For some mysterious reason, if a character would die, even if they’re fatally bludgeoned, the town seems to keep them alive. Why? That’s a spoiler.

End of the road: When your character reaches max XP, a special Storyteller-run plot will help to determine the ultimate fate of your character.

Special Features

Consent Checklist: A customizable checklist allows you to choose the themes you want to see in RP. Your character may be terrified, but we want to make sure everyone is having fun that they enthusiastically consent to OOC. Consent may be revoked at any time. Revocation will be respected, and you don’t need to supply a reason why you’re revoking it.

Whispers: The quietest voices spread around town via mysterious wind currents, making it difficult to keep secrets.

Shelter: Retreat to your safe space when you need downtime. Public locations become less safe as more characters gather in one spot. Don’t stay outside too long, either. There are monsters out there. Some of them even look like monsters.

Panic: Suffer emotional damage that can’t be healed through conventional means.

In-depth NPCs: Each NPC is a complete character with a history, goals, and fears. Though you may befriend some of them, NPCs almost always have an ulterior motive. They wouldn’t have found their way to Silent Heaven otherwise.

Intersectional-LGBTQIA+: Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. are unwelcome. Pronouns aren’t tied to your character’s sex, gender or outward appearance. You can even randomize your character’s pronouns.

Drugs & Toxins: Provide beneficial drugs to those who need help, or poison your enemies. Lace your creations into food, or even create chemical weapons.

Blood Tests & Forensics: Diagnose patients with mysterious ailments. Collect blood samples and other metadata from locations to find out who’s been up to what.

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Lore and What You Need To Know

Lore? There’s plenty. But you don’t need to know anything ahead of time. As a fresh resident to a mysterious town, discovering it all in-character is part of the excitement. Want to learn more about that church? You could ask someone about it, or find and read some literature about it, or even go there yourself to soak in some history.

It’s perfectly acceptable for your character to ask someone, “What the f—k is going on in this town?” In fact, it’s encouraged. It’s an excellent way to spur roleplay and delve into how your character reacts to the unknown.

If you like solving mysteries, this town has plenty of them.

That being said, the following should be OOCly assumed to be true:

  • Your character enters Silent Heaven as a modern-day human with no supernatural powers.
  • Nobody who successfully leaves Silent Heaven can ever find their way back in. There are no ‘return visits.’
  • There is no way to ‘fix’ the town of Silent Heaven. While your character may have influence on the future of NPCs and landscapes, the backdrop of a hidden town full of cursed characters will not change.
  • Silent Heaven isn’t in any set location. Outside contact within Silent Heaven will never happen. For what it’s worth, consider the town to be on an entirely different plane of existence.
  • The timeline of Silent Heaven diverged from the real world in 2010, and anything after that never happened. Humans still exist. Scientific, social and technological advancements continue as normal. This alternate world history is intentionally an amorphous blob, because your character’s storylines will center around being in a town isolated from the rest of the world.

Conflict Between Characters

Throughout your character’s story, your character will likely engage in conflict with other characters, whether they’re NPCs or PCs. Conflict helps move stories forward. However, there’s a firm line between what’s acceptable and what isn’t.

You’ve likely heard of Player vs. Player (PvP) gameplay, where you compete against other players in a game, whether it be via combat, social prestige, or deception. We don’t do that in Silent Heaven. As a community, we’re expected to be friendly, respectful, and supportive of our fellow players.

It’s important to be able to separate conflict between characters (CvC) and conflict between players (PvP). We’re all having a good time as players putting our characters into dangerous situations. We encourage OOC check-ins to make sure everyone is still enthusiastic about what’s happening, and coming to an amicable resolution if things are starting to get uncomfortable.

Overall, Silent Heaven is a dangerous place, and your character will naturally fall into CvC. Bad things will happen to your character just as often as good things. Treat each player with care and respect. Keep conflict in-game. Know your limits.

If this style of roleplay suits your preferences, then Silent Heaven is for you.