
Creativity is a character's skill as a tailor or artist. To make clothing or artwork, your character needs to be either in the presence of a crafting item, or holding one in their hands. - Tailoring requires a tailoring work bench. - Artwork requires an art studio. TAILORING To create a new piece of clothing or an accessory, type CRAFT CLOTHING. CRAFT CLOTHING You'll go through a menu that lets you select the type of clothing or accessory that you wish to create. After you finish your selection, your character receive a design that you can edit, and a new menu will appear. In this menu, you can give your clothing a custom name, a main color, an unworn description, a worn description, and emotes for wearing, removing, and teasing the clothing. Some articles of clothing allow you to extend the coverage to additional areas of the body. See HELP CLOTHING for more information on how clothes are worn. All clothing covers at least one area of the body. Accessories do not cover anything. The category "Shorts and Underwear" is special in that it doesn't provide coverage, but will, at the very least, hide the "naked" description, if one exists. You can save your design for later at any time by choosing the last option. To return to crafting the existing design, type CRAFT (item). For example, if you want to continue editing a design for a cloak, type: CRAFT CLOAK To review your clothing and to see how it'll appear on someone, choose the "Review" option from the menu. This will show you everything you've typed, and it'll allow you to make sure everything is as you want it before finalizing it. If the review says everything is "OK!" then you can proceed to turn it into clothing by typing YES. After turning your design into clothing, no more editing is possible. The quality of clothing depends on your character's Creativity skill. If you want to start over, you can TRASH the design or clothing. If you'd like to work on a piece of clothing outside of the game, Adam has made a helpful app to review how things will look in-game: TRASH CLOAK Do not mass-produce or create duplicates of clothing. If a character wants something similar to an existing piece, then you're allowed to make a second one. Otherwise, aim to make your clothing unique. ARTWORK To create a new piece of art, type CRAFT ART to enter the art menu. CRAFT ART In the menu, choose the type of art your character is making. Your character will get a fresh blank piece of art in their inventory, and you'll be taken to the main art menu, where you'll give the art a title and signature, write a description, and customize how it looks in a room after being installed. With artwork, you're allowed to use as much color as you wish in its description. However, out of respect for players who are visually impaired, do not include any ASCII art. The quality of your artwork is based on your Creativity skill at the time you finalize your artwork. When you've finished making your artwork, you can INSTALL it at any indoor location. For example, to install a painting, type: INSTALL PAINTING A maximum of 4 pieces of artwork may be installed in a single room. Be careful where you install artwork. Many locations are under the watchful eye of NPCs who won't appreciate unexpected artwork. It's better to get IC permission first, unless your character's intent is to make a statement. If the quality of your character's artwork is high enough, viewing installed art can instill positive feelings in the viewer that increase their willpower. This can provide relief to anyone whose taken emotional damage. Superficial injuries can't be remedied this way. Overviewing of art will instill negative feelings instead, which decrease willpower. Do not mass-produce or create duplicates of artwork. All artwork should be distinctively unique. If you'd like to work on a piece of artwork outside of the game, Adam has made a helpful app to review how things will look in-game: SIGNS Signs are fixtures in Silent Heaven that act as indestructible artwork. They each have built-in digital clocks to help you and your character check the time in Silent Heaven. A rare few signs can be written on. Category: HELP 6 (Actions) < Previous - Customize | Next - Cooking >