
With the Investigate skill and a forensics kit, your character can collect various datapoints on locations, people and items. Holding a forensics kit in your character's hands, type INSPECT (character, thing or here) to begin an investigation. INSPECT JANE INSPECT KNIFE INSPECT HERE Inspecting a character requires that they trust your character to do so. An investigation takes a few minutes, so please feel free to RP while it's going on. Each piece of evidence has a strength rating, which degrades over time. For example, if your character walks through a room barefoot, the evidence that they did so is gone in a day. But if your character walks through repeatedly in a single day, the evidence is stronger and sticks around longer. The amount of evidence you can collect from a single investigation is based on your character's Investigate roll and the quality of your character's forensics kit. Stronger evidence is easier to discover, while weaker evidence requires a higher roll to find. Stronger evidence is always discovered first and the weakest comes up last. You can investigate 3 things per day before your character gets tired of so much scrutiny. Make your decisions count, or bring in a partner to assist. DNA signatures will always be partial. The only way to get a full DNA signature is with an untainted blood sample drawn directly from a patient by a skilled doctor. Evidence won't tell you the whole story, and it won't give you specific information. It's up to you to piece the clues together so your character can come up with a reasonable explanation for their existence. Your character is allowed to lie or make conjecture about the evidence found, and other character are allowed to scrutinize the legitimacy of your character's findings. Don't forget to cover your hands and feet, or else you'll taint the evidence with yourself! SCRUBBING EVIDENCE Sometimes you don't want evidence to be found. With a high enough Investigate skill, you can type SCRUB (target) to scrub away evidence, eliminating rare evidence and reducing the chance of finding abundant evidence. SCRUB JANE SCRUB KNIFE SCRUB HERE It may take multiple scrubs to remove evidence. To erase hidden evidence that's abundant, it may be better to retrieve it through INSPECT than to erase it through SCRUB. Category: HELP 6 (Actions) < Previous - Eavesdrop | Next - Install >