
To review all the commands you've used on your journey in Silent Heaven, type CHEAT to view your cheat sheet. CHEAT To repeat recent messages messages, type REWIND. This is useful if you get disconnected. REWIND To double-space emotes and poses, type DOUBLESPACE. Type it again to return to single-space. DOUBLESPACE To change your character's password, type PASSWORD (old password) = (new password). PASSWORD OldPassword = NewPassword To change webclient options, type OPTIONS (option) = (setting). For example, to turn on screen reader mode, type: OPTIONS screenreader = True If you're not using the webclient to connect and you want to enable all 256 colors, type: OPTIONS xterm256 = True To turn on local echo of everything you type, type: OPTIONS localecho = true To turn music on or off, type: MUSIC All music is composed and performed by Mae of Bitter Pearls. Some guitar portions are by Leila T. Track List 01 - Together We Are Alone 02 - Not Really Sure 03 - A Safer Way to Live 04 - Streets of Silent Heaven 05 - Conversations and Things 06 - A Strand of Somethingness 07 - Eco Reason, Depravity Death 08 - This is not a Home 09 - Move 10 - Circles If you've read through every help file, congratulations! This is the last one! Category: HELP 8 (Attention) < Previous - Bug