
Here are 10 basic things you need to know. 1. You are playing Silent Heaven, a small-town horror roleplaying game. 2. This is a multiplayer game. Other people are playing it too. Treat them respectfully. We're all here to have fun. 3. All players in the game, including you, are playing made-up characters. When you are playing, you are pretending to be your character, not yourself. 4. The town of Silent Heaven is dangerous. Your character starts off weak and confused. Both good and bad things will happen to your character. 5. You must find a safe place to sleep before closing the game window. If you don't, your character will be vulnerable while you're disconnected. You will find a safe place to sleep shortly after entering the town. 6. Your character gets stronger through interacting with other characters. This is called roleplaying. Your character earns XP through roleplaying. You can spend XP to increase your character's skills. Skills allow your character to do special things. 7. The words "in character" (IC) refer to things that CHARACTERS do or say. The words "out of character" (OOC) refer to things that PLAYERS do or say. Remember, you are a player playing a character. As players, we are having fun putting our characters in dangerous situations. 8. Your character will make friends, enemies and rivalries IC. No matter what happens IC, you're expected to make sure other players are comfortable and having fun OOC. If your character is being antagonistic to another character IC, it's highly recommended that you check in with their player OOC to make sure they're having fun with the story, too. 9. Silent Heaven is a town full of secrets. The things that happen to your character are SECRET, unless another character saw them or learns about them from other characters. These are called IC events. Do not spoil IC events with other players through OOC ways. It hurts the spirit of the game to share spoilers, no matter how small they are. Share them IC instead. 10. Some characters are non-player characters (NPCs). They are not played by any player, but occasionally Storytellers will "puppet" them, meaning an NPC acts just like a player's character (PC). While not puppeted, NPCs have lots of automatic responses if you talk to them. Talking to NPCs is a great way to learn new things about the town when you're first exploring. If you're still confused about anything in Silent Heaven, join the Discord server to talk to other players OOC. ( Everyone will be happy to assist you! Type HELP to go back to the main help menu. Type LOOK to see where your character is standing. Category: HELP 1 (Beginner) Next - Roleplaying >