Silent Heaven features detailed ways to customize your character. You can pull up the description menu by typing DESCRIBE, or for quicker access DESC.
On this menu, you'll be able to customize many things about your character, including shortdesc, gait, voice, and longdesc. Choose the number that matches what you want to edit.
The first three options allow you to customize how other characters first see your character. Combined, they'll see a message like this one:
A mangy wastrel arrives, shambling from the west.
Shortdesc Adjective: In the example above, "mangy." The adjective always reflects your character's appearance. If you'd like better adjectives to choose from, you'll want to type LEVELUP APPEARANCE.
Shortdesc Noun: In the example above, "wastrel." The noun always refers to a vibe your character effuses.
Gait: Your character's gait is how they walk.
You may change these at any time to fit your character.
Your character's voice is how your character sounds when speaking. You'll see it like this:
Jane says, in a barely-perceptible French accent, "Hello."
In this example, "a barely-perceptible French accent" is the character's voice.
Your character's voice should stay relatively the same. Please make a JOURNAL entry if you change it significantly from your character's starting voice, including the reason why. If you're looking to disguise your character's voice, LEVELUP DECEPTION and wear a disguise.
Silent Heaven uses a dynamic appearance system. Clothing your character wears will obscure certain sections of your body. For example, if your character is wearing a shirt, the "torso" part of your character's description will disappear, and you'll see the shirt description instead.
You don't have to describe every section of your character. At the minimum, please fill out the "longdesc" and "face" sections.
Your character's long description (longdesc) is an overview of your character, where you may use flowery language to paint a creative image of your character. It appears at the top of your character's description when someone LOOKs at your character. Include your character's height, build, skin tone, hairstyle, eye color, and notable features.
Tattoos are allowed, though they may best fit on an individual body part's desc.
You may use three special color codes in your long description to show off your character's eyes, hair, and skin tone. To do so, type the following:
%y - This shows your character's eyes. For example, brown eyes.
%h - This shows your character's hairstyle. For example, long wavy mahogany brown hair.
%k - This shows your character's skin tone. For example, caramel skin.
You may change your longdesc and body part descriptions at any time to fit your character.
You may change your character's pronouns at any time by typing PRONOUNS.
If you'd like to have pronouns for your character that aren't listed, please add a request to the #suggestions channel on the Silent Heaven community Discord server. (
For those who change your character's pronouns often, Silent Heaven offers the following codes to automatically update your description whenever you type PRONOUNS to change your pronouns.
%s - Self pronoun: she / they / he / xe / it
%p - Possessive pronoun: her / their / his / xer / its
%t - Poss. noun pronoun: hers / theirs / his / xers / its
%o - Oblique pronoun: her / them / him / xer / it
%r - Reflexive pronoun: her- / them- / him- / xer- / it- +self
%n - Your character's name.
To capitalize any of these words, just capitalize the letter. Here's an example. Suppose Jane wrote this in her description:
%N has a pencil resting on %p left ear. It is %t, definitely. %S has two ears on %r and they're both visible when someone looks at %o.
Anyone who looks at Jane would see:
Jane has a pencil resting on her left ear. It is hers, definitely. She has two ears on herself and they're both visible when someone looks at her.
Unfortunately, if you swap between They / Them and any other pronouns, you'll have to update verb conjugations, such as "has" and "have."
Pronoun codes are entirely optional. They also work in emotes.
Category: HELP 3 (Character)
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