
When in Silent Heaven, you're in-character (IC). However, there are times where you need out-of-character (OOC) assistance, or you need to explain things in a way that can't be done IC. Imagine this interaction: Jane says, "Grab a sandwich from the vending machine, please?" You say, "Sure thing... how do I use it?" Jane says, "Take a look at it. There's a number next to each slot. Buy the number that corresponds to the slot." You say, "Oh... um, okay..." At this point, you realize you have no idea how to use the vending machine, and you can't figure out what to type. Instead of using HELP to try to look up how to do it, you can ask Jane in OOC messages by typing OOC (message). For example: OOC Sorry, I don't quite get it. What am I supposed to type? You can also use an open bracket ([) as a shortcut for OOC messages. You'll see: [OOC] You say, "Sorry, I don't quite get it. What am I supposed to type?" Jane can then respond in OOC: [OOC] Jane says, "First, type LOOK VENDING to see the numbers next to each item for sale. The sandwich is number 23, so type BUY 23." Now you know how to get the sandwich! You're encouraged to use OOC not only to assist others with mechanical questions, but also to check in with each other to see if everyone is having a good time with the RP or if taking it in another direction would be more comfortable. Please encourage a friendly atmosphere OOC! Your characters can be mortal enemies AND you can have a great time OOC. As long as you aren't violating any policies, such as OOC bargaining to influence the outcome of RP, you're free to chat in OOC as you please. However, if your character is in a public location, we ask that you focus on IC interactions, and take any extended OOC conversations into privacy. Talking with OOC is limited to the room your character is in. This doesn't help when you're alone. To ask a question to all players currently in the game, type GAME (message). For example: GAME How do I buy things from a vending machine? Everyone in the game will see something like: [Game] Green Hawk asks, "How do I buy things from a vending machine?" Your character's name won't be revealed. It will be replaced by a different color of bird each day. This allows you to ask how to do something without drawing suspicion from other players. Staff members' names will always be revealed, with "Staff" preceding their names. Also, for your convenience, players can answer your questions over the Silent Heaven community Discord chat server. Messages sent from Discord will have the player's Discord name attached. Join the Discord community at: To stop receiving messages on the Game channel, type GAME by itself: GAME Type GAME again to turn the Game channel back on. The Game channel is for questions about how to play Silent Heaven. Be kind, be respectful, be encouraging, and do not reveal IC spoilers. The general rule of thumb is that if your character can ask it without sounding weird, your character should ask it IC. If someone asks something that could be asked IC, respond politely. Suppose someone asks, "How many Hotels are in the game?" It's perfectly fine to give a hint to direct a player to asking the question as their character. For example, you could respond: GAME That's a good question, and I can help you a little bit. There's at least the one Hotel you saw when you first went past the gate. This is an OOC channel, so I can't reveal more than that. Try asking that question as your character, either to another character or by using the wind, and I'm sure you'll get a more complete answer. First impressions count, so make sure you have the time and energy to be polite to new players on the Game channel. A positive and welcoming community is important. After you give an answer like the above, you should reward the player with a complete answer when they ask it IC. Remember, the goal isn't to gatekeep information, but to encourage IC interactions between characters, which can then blossom into storylines. Silent Heaven staff wishes to maintain a safe community. There may be times where you have private questions or serious issues that you need to speak privately with staff about. To do that, type GM (message). For example: GM Someone is asking me in OOC for personal information. Your message will be sent to all staff members. Your conversation with staff will remain private. In order to not flood you with voices, only one staff member will respond to you. Your safety is our priority. The town of Silent Heaven is a scary and dangerous place, full of characters experiencing trauma, helplessness, fear, vices, and sorrow. The moment something starts making you uncomfortable instead of your character and you can't resolve it through OOC, please contact staff using GM. We will work with you to ensure that everything is resolved comfortably. Additionally, if you've created a character but didn't enter their name correctly, send a message over GM with the name you'd like and we'll get it fixed! Category: HELP 4 (Communication) < Previous - Consent | Next - Speaking >