It's difficult to share a secret in Silent Heaven, because whispers move on the town's mysterious air currents. The quieter you get, the more likely it'll be heard by other people.
To send your whispers into the air, type WHISPER (message). For example, to whisper hello, type:
The shortcut for whispering is a tilde (~).
Assuming your character's name is Jeff, your whisper will propagate across town and everyone will hear:
~Jeff~ (Hello.)
Every character's real name is known over the wind because of echoes. To hear the echoes, type WHO or the equals symbol (=):
You will listen closely to the repeated echoes of the town. It takes about 10 seconds to discern all the voices.
To add or change the echo tied to your name, type ECHO (message). The shortcut for ECHO is the hashtag sign (#). For example, if you want other residents to know you're new and looking for people to meet, you could type:
ECHO I'm new here and I'd like to meet people.
#I'm new here and I'd like to meet people.
To stop sending your echo message, type ECHO by itself. This will clear it and leave only your name in the echoes.
Sometimes, you want to send a whisper, but you want to do it anonymously. To hide your identity, type ANON (message). The shortcut for ANON is the plus sign (+). For example, if you want to give some anonymous advice, you could type:
ANON I would advise against doing that.
+I would advise against doing that.
This isn't completely anonymous. People will still know the direction the whisper came from. For example:
+From southwest+ (I would advise against doing that.)
+From north+ (Really? Why's that?)
+From southwest+ (I don't have to answer that.)
+From nearby+ (Because she'll cut you up if you come anywhere near her.)
You can also use the air currents to send a message directly to a single recipient using HISS (name) (message). The shortcut for HISS is a dash (-). For example, if you want to talk to someone privately, you could type:
HISS Jane We need to talk.
-Jane We need to talk.
Jane would see:
-Jeff- (We need to talk.)
Everyone else would see:
-Jeff- (Hisssssss.)
Type WHISPER ALT to get an alternate layout for whispers that is more friendly to screen readers.
While the wind is an excellent way to find RP and connect with other characters, sometimes you just want to ignore it. Here are ways you can tune it out:
- WHISPER by itself will let you stop hearing whispers, both named and anonymous.
- HISS by itself will let you stop hearing hisses addressed to other people. You'll still hear hisses addressed to you.
- HISS (Name) without a message will let you stop hearing hisses addressed to you from anyone you name, as well as their whispers.
Typing any of these a second time will let you hear that type of wind again.
Lastly, typing HISS ALL will reset all your hiss preferences to hearing everything.
The wind is to aid in finding RP, sharing information, and organizing events. A small amount of conflict between characters is fine over the wind, but don't draw it out for more than two replies each. If an argument goes on longer than that, either organize your character meeting in person to RP, or take it to hisses.
Category: HELP 4 (Communication)
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