
Sometimes, you may run into a situation where you have two similar items. For example, suppose you have "a zig-zag striped sweater dress" and "a dress with sequins." What happens when you type WEAR DRESS? Which one will you wear? The game will default to the first one in your inventory. The same will happen if there are two dresses laid out in the room and you type GET DRESS. To WEAR or GET the second dress, type 2nd before the item. For example: WEAR 2ND DRESS GET 2ND DRESS This works for 3rd, 4th, 5th and so on. You can also spell out words like "second" and "third," or even just type the number 2 or 3 in place of the ordinal. If you're not sure which dress is which, you can COUNT (item). For example, to count the dresses in the room, type: COUNT DRESS This gives you a list of anything in the room that could be a dress, including a "dresser," "dress shirt," or "slip dress." Items in your character's possession are always listed first, followed by items in the room. Some actions will only consider items in the room, like GET. Some other actions will only consider what is in your character's possession, like DROP, GIVE, HOLD, CONCEAL, THROW, WEAR, and REMOVE. If you want to target the room you're in with your action instead of an actual item, use the word HERE. For example, to look or search in a room, type: LOOK HERE SEARCH HERE Category: HELP 5 (Items) < Previous - Clothing | Next - Search >