
Of course there's a capitalistic economy in hell. All payments are in whole dollars, though you may find loose change on the streets or at work sites. Your inventory will automatically convert loose change into a full dollar once you have enough. To check your cash on hand, check your items by typing ITEMS or I. ITEMS I To pay money to someone, type PAY (number) TO (person). For example, to pay 3 dollars to Jane, type: PAY 3 TO JANE You might find doors with money slots. To feed money into a slot, type PAY (number) TO (direction). For example, to put 5 dollars in a slot next to a northern door, type: PAY 5 TO NORTH PAY 5 TO N For more information on how to use doors, see HELP DOORS. You may also find displays or vending machines offering goods for sale. First type LOOK MACHINE to see what items are for sale, then type BUY (number), where the number corresponds to the item you want. For example: LOOK MACHINE BUY 4 Your character will see what's in the display, then will buy the item in the 4th slot of the display. Category: HELP 5 (Items) < Previous - Search | Next - Customize >