
In order to ensure nothing negative happens while you're away from the game due to RL, you can PAUSE your game, which puts your character in a metaphorical protective bubble where nothing can happen to them. PAUSE Effectively, your game is paused. To unpause, simply type PAUSE again. PAUSE You may pause at any time, as long as your character isn't in an active conflict and isn't in the process of resolving actions (such as movement). Pause lasts indefinitely. If you get disconnected, your character might go from being paused to asleep, depending on how long you were disconnected. When you reconnect, you may have to pause again. If you have an RL emergency, your safety comes first. But, if you have the opportunity, you may contact staff with a message like, GM Emergency, please grab my character. We'll take your character to a safe room to ensure nothing happens while you're away. Category: HELP 2 (Movement) < Previous - Doors | Next - Quit >