
COMMUNITY DISCORD SERVER All OOC chatter is available on the Silent Heaven community Discord server. The community is a safe, inclusive space. Treat each other with respect, kindness, and care. All rules for behavior are in effect here. Be sure to read the #rules, and be conscious of what constitutes community harm. You may share this invitation link: https://discord.gg/silentheaven By default, you will have a limited number of viewable channels. To get full access to the server, send an in-game GM message with your Discord name, and we will validate your account for full player access. The server bot "Carma" relays messages between the #game-help Discord channel and the in-game [Game] channel. This allows players and staff to respond to help requests even when they're not connected to Silent Heaven. Please do not use that channel for anything other than asking and answering gameplay-related questions. Category: HELP P (Policy) Next - Inebriation >