
GROUP / FACTION PLAY There are many different "factions" or groups in Silent Heaven, each with their own different tenets, playstyle, goals, and supporting NPCs. We strongly encourage you to explore Silent Heaven and find a group that matches your character and your preferred playstyle. Groups come in many styles: social, intrigue, creative, combat, antagonistic, pacifistic, religious, newbie-welcoming, theme-enforcement, and more. Groups have allies and enemies, places they may go freely and others they can't, characters they can openly interact with and others they'll need to maintain secrecy, and so on. Finding your way into RP is a lot easier when your character joins a group. There are also super-secret invitation-only groups. Don't worry if a group has very few or very many PCs in it. Staff will focus their support towards the styles our players want to play. That means providing Storyteller support for players that find themselves excluded, or Builder support for splitting a large group into two groups. Some groups may have no PCs, in which case, the NPCs are there to provide for that group until PCs join. Category: HELP P (Policy) < Previous - CvC | Next - Continuity >