
An act is any performance your character has prepared in advance. This could be a song, a dance, reciting poetry, some carefully choreographed distraction, or any other series of non-violent physical actions that don't impose on other characters. In addition to entertaining an audience, performing an act reduces the effectiveness of combat in your character's current location. At higher levels, your character will also gain a chance of successfully dodging incoming attacks, even while not performing. To open the performance menu, type PERFORM. PERFORM Here, you'll be able to add new acts, as well as view, edit, overwrite or perform any previously memorized acts. Instead of going through the menu to perform an act, you can type PERFORM followed by the name or number of the act. For example, if you want to perform the 2nd performance in your act list and it's titled "Mamba," you could type either of the following: PERFORM 2 PERFORM MAMBA While performing, you can't do anything else except speak or emote. To stop an act prematurely, type STOP: STOP In addition to entertaining an audience, a performance will cause a significant enough distraction to reduce the effectiveness of combat in the room, based on your Performance skill. This includes the accuracy of incoming gunshots, but not any thrown toxins. Leveling up Performance will give your character access to additional performances with an increased maximum number of lines per performance. Your character's ability to reduce combat effectiveness will increase as well, and at higher skill levels, they'll gain a chance to dodge attacks, even while not performing. EDITING PERFORMANCES Writing a performance is the equivalent of writing a series of POSE lines. Your character will perform them, one after another, with automatic delays between lines, based on how long each line is. You may use % pronoun codes in these lines, but it's not required. See HELP PRONOUNS for more information. Just like a regular POSE, if you don't include %E or your character's name in the emote, it'll be appended to the end of your emote. Performances must follow the standard rules of emotes: 3rd person, visible actions only, and no power-posing. See HELP EMOTE for more information. When viewing and editing performances, you'll be prompted to optionally enter a new name for the performance and provide new emotes for the performance. It's recommended that you first save the poses of your performance in a text editor, then copy and paste them into the performance editor. ACT REVIEW Sometimes, you want someone to look over your act for typos and errors. It's acceptable for your character to write acts verbatim on in-game paper for sharing and review with other characters. You may use OOC to point out corrections and suggestions if it's difficult to do so IC. It's also acceptable to rehearse an act in a different room, even if it doesn't have the props or set dressing you plan on using in the act. In this case, your character is "pretending" to interact with those things. Category: HELP 7 (Strife) < Previous - Reference | Next - Stealth >