
Sometimes you don't want to get up from your seat to hand someone an item. For all your airborne kinetic needs, use THROW (thing) TO (person). For example, to throw a ball to Jane, you can type: THROW BALL TO JANE It takes about 10 seconds for a throw to finish. In this time, anyone, including Jane, can type CATCH (thing) to catch something being thrown. CATCH is an alias of GET, so you can use GET (thing) for the same effect. CATCH BALL GET BALL If nobody catches the thrown item, it will hit the target. You can't throw something at someone who isn't conscious enough to see it coming. You can't cancel a throw with STOP. CREATIVE WAYS TO THROW There are a number of additional uses for throw. You can throw an item to another room by typing THROW (thing) TO (direction). You can use the one-letter abbreviation for any direction. For example, to throw a ball north, you can type: THROW BALL TO NORTH THROW BALL TO N Provided nothing interrupts your throw, the ball will land in the northern room after about 10 seconds. If the thrown item is explosive, it will automatically explode in the room where it lands. If your character manages to physically get ahold of another character, you can throw that character at someone else or into another room, just like an item. For example: THROW JANE TO JEFF THROW JANE TO N The thrown character has a chance of escaping being thrown into another room based on a roll of their Climb skill versus the thrower's Labor skill. If they escape the throw, your character will be temporarily stunned, giving the escaped character a chance to run away. Category: HELP 7 (Strife) < Previous - Stealth | Next - Notes >